There is a crack in everything

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

Leonard Cohen “Anthem”

15 Responses to There is a crack in everything

  1. Beth: How are you doing?


    • Beth says:

      Cynthia, how nice to hear from you! I’m well, just haven’t felt that I had anything to say for a long time. Your message reminded me to think about getting back to the blogosphere, so thank you!

      I’m downloading your book and look forward to reading it. I read another bio of yours online and am boggled by all you have accomplished – a truly impressive body of work. How are you doing?


      • Beht! I’m so glad to hear back! I thought I’d lost you. (smile) I’m also very glad that you are well. Thank you VERY much for buying my book. I’m well, thank you — the usual. But my spirits are good, and today I just returned home from being the guest of a book club that’s reading my book. They’re a lovely bunch. So GOOD to be back in touch with you. Take good care.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. There IS. A crack in everything. It’s very, very slender here, but it’s just big enough for me to squeeze some special holidays wishes in to you. I hope you’re feeling peace and true contentment. And a little zesty joy, too. That’s always good.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No no! Where’d you go? I’m not even someone who can’t stand change and I can’t stand the unlikely possibility that you’ve taken away my Notes from a Hermitage!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beth says:

      Oh, that’s SO nice! I was a member on a Facebook site for the Camino that helps try to keep women informed and safer, but made the mistake of putting in a link to that last post about the Camino in a reply to a like-minded woman who hadn’t hiked yet and was considering going alone – the administrator wanted to make it a permanent file because she thought it was useful, but when she posted it publicly, a really nasty woman responded – so, I’m just laying low for a few weeks. The post got 70 hits from all over the world from that site and I want to make sure all the links and the document they downloaded are deleted. Not smart to let one’s personal blog be so exposed! People I blog with like yourself are so wonderful ….. I’d rather keep things limited to a circle of people who are good to each other!


      • I sigh. When did we become incapable of disagreeing? When did it become such a risk to offer your own opinions? I don’t know when, but I’m getting mighty tired of it.

        What matters most, however, is that you’re NOT going away! I’m very happy. Very very happy. Yay!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Elissaveta says:

    This is such a beautiful verse. I’ll have to write this one down.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. And it led to the title of one of Louise Penny’s recent books.


  6. Nida S. says:

    Beautiful! This one’s a keeper.


  7. eremophila says:

    It’s one of my favourite quotes 🙂

    Liked by 1 person